About Us
GelPonics is a sustainable growth substrate for plants.
It is a drop-in replacement for stone wool, peat and coir used in agriculture.
• Sustainable low-carbon substrate
• 100% natural and biodegradable
• Reduces cost and complexity
• Accelerates cultivation

Our Products
GelPonics is a range of non-synthetic hydrogel formulations that enable truly sustainable agriculture. It is made from sustainable low-carbon products and does not use environmentally harmful synthetic polymers.

GelPonic Granules
Compatible with all growth systems. We can shape GelPonics to your needs.

GelPonic Plugs
Why We're the Best Solution
GelPonics is a sustainable growth substrate for plants.
It is a drop-in replacement for stone wool, peat and coir used in agriculture.
Sustainable low-carbon substrate | 100% natural and biodegradable
Reduces cost and complexity | Accelerates cultivation
PEAT Substrate
Lightweight Gel
Less Waste
Stone Wool
3 Month Storage

At AEH Innovative Hydrogel we are on a mission to give plant growers worldwide the option to grow using a truly sustainable and cost-efficient method. To achieve this we have developed a new growth substrate, it’s kind of a new type of soil but is hydrogel based.
We call it GelPonics
Our Partners & Supporters

Award Winning, Gold Standard
£1 Million in non-dilutive funding from Innovate UK, secured fast lab at the world-renowned & leading Graphene Engineering & Innovation Centre, won 3 prestigious industry awards (worth over £40,000), attracted commercial interest from companies for both collaboration & customers, and shortlisted for a further two awards!