Urban populations are continuing to rise, especially in developing countries, while climate change is continuing to harm food production. Urban food security must be a top priority if people want to ensure they have enough to eat in the future.
Our mission here at Gelponics is to help people with sustainable food production by supplying our range of non-synthetic hydrogel formulations that can be used in various agricultural settings – including vertical farming.
Vertical farming has a vital role to play in ensuring urban food security.
Understanding urban food security
The world bank defines food security as “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”
Research has shown that there are many challenges to food security, including:
- The introduction of fertilisers containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium to the agricultural fields
- Falling water tables
- Rising temperatures
- Continuing growth in populations and, therefore, food consumption
The statistics associated with food security and world hunger are shocking. Action Against Hunger states that:
- 43 million people in 38 countries across the globe are at risk of falling into famine or severe hunger crisis
- Almost 1 in 10 people globally don’t have enough food to eat
- 1 billion people can’t afford a healthy, nutritious diet
Priority needs to be put on the importance of finding sustainable solutions.
The rise of vertical farming
Vertical farming is growing crops in vertically stacked layers inside another structure – such as a repurposed warehouse. It is similar to growing produce in a greenhouse but on a much larger scale. It allows farmers to produce crops in challenging environments and maximise crop outputs in a limited space.
The benefits of using vertical farming in urban environments include the following:
- More efficient use of space. Vertical farms can be designed and built in any climate or location. The stacking systems allow farmers to achieve higher productivity on a small land area.
- Year-round production. Indoor farming is not dependent on the weather, so ‘seasonal crops’ are a thing of the past. Harvest times are also reduced, and crop volume is increased, allowing commercial growers to commit to delivery schedules confidently.
- Thanks to crops being grown near where people live, reduced transportation costs and carbon footprint.
Gelponics technology was developed with sustainable food production in mind, as it can support plants through the whole growth cycle – reducing operating complexity and simplifying plant management. Gelponics is made from common low-carbon products and doesn’t require energy-intensive manufacturing processing.
Enhancing food security through vertical farming
There are three main ways that vertical farming can improve food security:
#1 Increased access to fresh produce
- Eliminating food deserts in urban areas
- Shortening the supply chain and reducing food waste
#2 Resilience against climate change and natural disasters
- Mitigating the impact of extreme weather events
- Protecting crops from pests and diseases
#3 Promoting sustainable agriculture practices
- Water conservation through Gelponics’ hydrogel technology
- Reduced reliance on chemical fertilisers and pesticides
As you can see, urban food security should be a key priority for all, and vertical farming has a crucial role in achieving this. Contact us to learn more about Gelponics’ hydrogel technology and how we can support urban farming initiatives.