Vertical farming is a hot topic in agriculture, thanks in no small part to a recent increase in focus on sustainability and the environment. Vertical farming is the name given to the method of farming where crops are grown one above the other inside a building in a specially controlled environment. This allows for year-round production of crops and also results in a greater crop yield.
Our non-synthetic hydrogel formulation, Gelponics, was developed for use in vertical farms allowing for the slow release of nutrients for optimal plant growth.
What is Gelponics?
Gelponics is our range of non-synthetic hydrogel formulations made from low-carbon products, not environmentally harmful synthetic polymers, enabling more sustainable agriculture practices.
Our range of products, including granules, plugs and sheets, is a more sustainable replacement for coir, peat and stone wool – helping to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only are they 100% compostable, but they also help to control fertiliser release and save water – so good for the planet all around.
The key features of our Gelponics products include the following:
- Improvement of water retention in soil
- Reduction in soil erosion
- Biocompatible
- Degrade naturally in soil
- Improvement in plant transport and shelf life
- Hold all the oxygen and water required for healthy root growth
- Can be used in a wide range of agricultural settings for a variety of plant types
How can Gelponics help to maximise crop yields in vertical farming systems?
Gelpinics products are non-synthetic hydrogel formulations. Hydrogels have been shown to have the ability to absorb water up to 400 times that of their dry weight and then release this water gradually to reduce fertiliser and herbicide leaching. They also reduce irrigation frequency and improve soil quality.
Conventional farming uses soil as the growing medium, which can be prone to diseases from parasites, pathogens and even metal. It is also very costly to farm this way in the long run. Hydrogel is advantageous as a potting medium because its excellent water-retaining features provide optimum nutrients and water for plant growth. We can tailor our Gelponics products to ensure they provide the nutrients and water required for optimal plant growth, increasing your crop yield simultaneously.
The main benefits of using Gelponics in vertical farming systems include the following:
- More efficient fertiliser and irrigation application – research has shown that hydrogel systems only require about 10 to 15% of the volume of water that more conventional methods require
- Better condition of the soil in general – thanks to the effect of the hydrogel on soil structure and its water infiltration properties, which decrease soil compaction, minimise soil erosion and water run-off, and support plant growth performance in general
- Increase in water holding capacity and more use efficiency
- Enhanced soil permeability and infiltration rate
- An overall increase in plant performance, particularly in soils that have been stressed through drought
Gelponics products are a non-synthetic hydrogel formulation manufactured for the agricultural sector. They can hold a considerable weight of water and oxygen, both required for healthy root growth. They are made from common low-carbon products that are low maintenance and can fertilise for the entire growth cycle.
To learn more about this sustainable growth media, please email us at